Experimenting with Bravery

Venturing out into the world after a week of solitude was as abrupt and invasive as I had feared. Like only part of my brain was functioning, all menial tasks accounted for. I was minimally fed and watered, caffeinated and car keys in hand. I slightly doubted my ability to drive, and quickly pushed it…


Sometimes I want to be that girl again. The skinny, beautiful, young one that oozed confidence and sex and carefree. She embraced the drama and connection of all the little homemade bombs exploding around her. The relationships that came and went with her frivolous young head and heart. Hormone-fueled impulses. Not knowing better… not caring….

Meet me in the Park Part 3

“Oh! Hey, Haha. I thought you weren’t coming” She stumbled. As subtly as she could she tried to compose herself, fixing her hair, did her lipstick smudge? Shit. “I’m really sorry to do this. I almost didn’t turn up” he said. “Uh, yeah.  I assumed it must have been something important. You are usually waiting for…

Meet me in the Park Part 2

Jessica stood up and straightened her dress. Her ankle was fine, and pausing seemed like a good excuse to pull herself together. She let her cheeks puff and blew out a large breath through her reluctant mouth. “Breathe……” Why was she so nervous all of a sudden?! A stream of anxious thoughts suddenly filled her…

Meet me in the Park Part 1

It was a weekly ritual of theirs to meet in the park for coffee, or if they could steal enough time, even a full hour on their lunch break. The anticipation that would build before they saw each other reminded her of when she was a child. Those final days before the summer holidays would…

Not ready

Knowing death before it comes Can act as the catalyst for words gone long unspoken I watch your thin dyed hair settle into its pins you set The numerous half sipped water cups by your side Your fretting family, with eyes wide and caring Yet silent and slightly awkward in their movements I feel the…


Rolling and swelling of emotions build rapidly as I sit across from you tonight. Your eyes on me as I entered the bar are replaying as I watch you now. Lust, melancholy, need, your eyes like a calf for the smallest moment. A vulnerability lingers as we talk, catch up, edit our lives for each…

On repeat

I relive my stolen moments with you The stars are my blanket tonight Just like the time you showed me a beach with new eyes I straddled that sand with a new found desperation A force bubbling under the surface for too long As my head leans back, I gaze at my sparkling world You’re…


Skin tingles for a forbidden touch Heart swells at your words They read my thoughts and their completeness and knowing consume me My lips gently suck the words from your tongue Delicious knowing. Teeth guarding a raw and fleshy truth Swollen blood in my veins, red as wine After thoughts like a hangover My hips flex…